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2 Ironic passages about stupidity

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 2 Ironic passages about stupidity
Просмотр работы:
10 апреля ’2024   00:05
Просмотров: 321

Sluggards, unlike other idiots, do not wish to repeat themselves.
What if the mind is not enough for anything?
You must start communicating with fools who have enough mind at least for you.
Mental superiority unnecessarily in the midst of morons.
It is necessary to tell fools that they are smart because there are so many more of them.
The will for the stubborn people does not need.
How to get rid of straightness?
You must first curve your physiognomy, and then not straighten it.
What should sensitive natures do in life?
Schedule one of the days of the week exclusively for crying.
The mind goes to the reason only when there is a parking space.


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