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Stranger's Eyes (music and performance by Red's Cool, lyrics by Ria April Avalon)

МУЗЫКА / Альтернативная / Stranger's Eyes (music and performance by Red's Cool, lyrics by Ria April Avalon)
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05 октября ’2015   22:11
Просмотров: 16240

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It was a bit unexpected,
When I saw your vague silhouette,
Then you turned back and your face reflected
Shades of a feeling that I couldn't get.
I was enchanted yet scared,
You were a riddle for me,
Don't know your name, but I have to be there
Just like a hero you want me to be.

I'll get to know your story
Before we go too far,
I will do anything for you,
Please tell me who you are.

Stranger's eyes,
Can you free me
From your magic erasing my mind?
I don't even know you.
Stranger's eyes,
Can you see me?
I've escaped from myself for a night
Right to you.

I never trust any stranger,
I am the one who has pride,
But I have probably missed the danger,
Wild new emotions are getting me blind.
I would be happy to know
Why, stranger, it's you who I met,
Yet you are silent, and I have to go,
I still believe you'll get out of my head.

Bad fortune knows it better
This night the same weird scene
Is up again, what's the matter?
The same damn game begins.

Stranger's eyes,
Can you free me
From your magic erasing my mind?
I don't even know you,
Stranger's eyes,
Can you see me?
I've escaped from myself for a night
Right to you.

A stranger in the night,
What is on your mind?

Stranger's eyes,
Can you free me
From your magic erasing my mind?
I don't even know you,
Stranger's eyes,
Can you see me?
I've escaped from myself for a night
Right to you.

Stranger's eyes,
Can you free me
From your magic erasing my mind?
I don't even know you,
Stranger's eyes,
Can you see me?
I've escaped from myself for a night
Right to you.

A stranger in the night...


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