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МУЗЫКА / Рок / Humanity
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22 сентября ’2021   14:52
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A candle in dark
in dim eyes hot
a ray flare,
so and what!!! -
External dark
of this world,
giving own
maddening cold.
Chaos reigns
consuming sin!!!
It not hurt
everyone has took,
who directed upward
not seeing their self inside,
in they are not
understanding “Look”.
Assassins on way
even though they
have no rights,
in this days making troubles.
Epidemics are burning
despair fear is
this horror in
reality and dreams.
Humanity torment
anticipation on time –
gluttony of
mouth – another god:
Currency, power –
narcotic delirium...
As if humanity
doesn't exist!!! So watch.

There is also a splash –
where eternity moment –
so into another –
directly another age.

Where is humanity going,
where humanity eyes so look,
does humanity curse its age sin
where humanity tears clean took,
and does it remember death now,
humanity labor directs in what,
where is humanity going –
oh ready to meet the Court??!!!

Here I also
continue tale.
All for show –
trill lies – for sale!!!
Fornicators and
their porn of minds –
result again
"bi" hierarchy sites...
At the bottom and top
poison dissolves...
Somewhere in
the fire burn souls –
where so love
always torments them!!! –
Where trouble is...
Scream again I am!!!
Rebellion of years –
where a monument is
a genius-idol
in evil world is –
vanity so,
anti-culture is raised –
the tour grows –
and so this is made;
this motive – shock –
erase profile and face –
degradation of
masses ways.
In water fish drown –
cataclysms flows!!!
What is result? –
Humanity cause!!!...

There is also a splash –
where eternity moment –
so into another –
directly another age.

Where is humanity going,
where humanity eyes so look,
does humanity curse its age sin
where humanity tears clean took,
and does it remember death now,
humanity labor directs in what,
where is humanity going, –
but does believe in the Last Court?!!!

Thieves here and there,
as if it should be so,
they steal from
each other oh:
Tops at bottom, the
lower classes are at tops...
Then the lot of fools,
no words!!! –
Of them in a lie,
not knowing their name,
they glorify their life
with lies flame –
in predictions of cards,
constellations and
enchantments... a
deadly fire starts.
Drug addiction makes
a fool, grows –
they swallow this shit –
this is shows.
And so on abomination
cannot be counted it
this more and more,
better not to know which.
We return, in this time
going crazy these,
and of course
darkness appears;
they live in that, the wall
prevents them from seeing this
the light!!! How do they know
what war is?!!!...

There is also a splash –
where eternity moment –
so into another –
directly another age.

Where is humanity going,
where humanity eyes so look,
does humanity curse its age sin
where humanity tears clean took,
and does it remember death now,
humanity labor directs in what,
where is humanity going –
oh ready to meet the Court??!!!
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