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IT'S MY TIME (HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIVING WORLD) (Feat. Don't Hate Me, Serega Maniac_13)

МУЗЫКА / Рок / IT'S MY TIME (HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIVING WORLD) (Feat. Don't Hate Me, Serega Maniac_13)
Просмотр работы:
30 апреля ’2022   21:48
Просмотров: 3927

Скачать файл - 4.177 мб   (Загружено 0 раз)
Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIUF3bo10WU

(microphone louder)

[Don't Hate Me]

[Alex Walker]
2 years have passed since "New Beginning"
Everyone case that way woods forget us
but in fact, on the contrary, our voices sound elite
Us this bit thus written best years
we lost a lot, but also gained
it's worth signing for it, because LW has been 2 years

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh]
Anybody else to stop with us
soar into the sky the speed of light [2x]

[Alex Walker]
Don't hate me, entered our world
Serega Maniac strangles the reef on the beat
Alex Walker beat the rhythm
Khan Shtorh crash these a scream
there are many of us, our army is growing
and these are our rules, this is our life, our road
and I don't give a fuck about those who say otherwise

[Chorus: Khan Shtorh]
Anybody else to stop with us
soar into the sky the speed of light [2x]

[Bridge: Khan Shtorh]


Many people tried to stop us, our forces are great, I know that, yes, I'm afraid of tomorrow, but today I'm in shape, ready to read your old school rap with incredible speed, you like our rock, because that's why you're here, this rock interrupts the sadness in your soul, you're ready to go on with us, stay, because we're flying, line after line flying from my head to the recording, the microphone is cracking from my speech, well, okay, I'm tired, that's it


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