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Мистерия. Состязание Марсия с Аполлоном - Mystery play. The contest of Marsyas and Apollo

Плэйкасты / Искусство / Мистерия. Состязание Марсия с Аполлоном - Mystery play. The contest of Marsyas and Apollo
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1 Призыв Марсия к Аполлону сойти с Олимпа.
2 Явление Божественного Аполлона в зримом обличии.
3 Танец Марсия пред Музами Парнаса.
4 Протомузыка Аполлона расщепляющая все начала мироздания.
5 Музы прельщаются звериным танцем Марсия.
6 Сицилиана Аполлона - океан высших вод мироздания.
7 Казнь Марсия.
8 Вознесение, восхождение, возвращение Бога Аполлона на Олимп.

1 Call of Marsyas to Apollo to descend from Olympus.
2 The appearance of the Divine Apollo in visible aspect.
3 Dance of Marsyas before the Muses of Parnassus.
4 Protomusic of Apollo that decomposes all origins of the universe.
5 Muses seduced by the animal dance of Marsyas.
6 Siciliana of Apollo - the ocean of highest waters of creation.
7 Execution of Marsyas.
8 Ascension, rising, the return of the God Apollo to Olympus.

Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.
The Book of Daniel 7:2
But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.
The Book of Daniel 10:21

Иллюстрация -
центральная часть триптиха.
Состязание Марсия с Аполлоном (Греция. Аркадия. 4 век до н.э.)

МАРСИЙ (Μαρσύας), в греческой мифологии сатир или силен, сын Эагра, родом из Фригии. Древнее божество круга Кибелы, вытесненное Аполлоном. По мифу, Марсий подобрал авлос, брошенный Афиной (богиня бросила флейту, т.к. увидела, как безобразно раздуваются её щёки при игре) (Paus. I 24, 1). В игре на флейте Марсий достиг необычайного мастерства и, возгордившись, вызвал на состязание самого Аполлона.
Судили Музы и царь Мидас, и Марсий победил, но затем Аполлон стал играть на кифаре и петь,
что не смог повторить Марсей, совместить пение и игру на духовом инструменте. Марсий проиграл состязание.
Дерзкое соперничество кончилось тем, что Аполлон, играя на кифаре, не только победил Марсия, музыка которого отличалась чисто фригийским экстатически-исступлённым характером (флейта с бубнами, трещотками и пр. сопутствует оргиям Кибелы и Диониса), но и казнил его.
Мидаса Аполлон наградил ослиными ушами.

Правая часть триптиха.
Нацисты сжигают книги мировой классики, в которых видят осуждение идеологии новой Германии.

Левая часть триптиха.
Кремлевский мастер. Иоанн и ангел в облаке подающий книгу откровений Апостолу Иоанну. Икона 'Апокалипсис'. Конец XV в. Москва, Успенский собор.

И видел я другого Ангела сильного, сходящего с неба, облеченного облаком; над головою его была радуга, и лице его как солнце, и ноги его как столпы огненные,
в руке у него была книжка раскрытая. И поставил он правую ногу свою на море, а левую на землю,
и воскликнул громким голосом, как рыкает лев; и когда он воскликнул, тогда семь громов проговорили голосами своими.
И голос, который я слышал с неба, опять стал говорить со мною, и сказал: пойди, возьми раскрытую книжку из руки Ангела, стоящего на море и на земле.
И я пошел к Ангелу, и сказал ему: дай мне книжку. Он сказал мне: возьми и съешь ее; она будет горька во чреве твоем, но в устах твоих будет сладка, как мед.
И взял я книжку из руки Ангела, и съел ее; и она в устах моих была сладка, как мед; когда же съел ее, то горько стало во чреве моем.
И сказал он мне: тебе надлежит опять пророчествовать о народах и племенах, и языках и царях многих.

Музыка и Фотоколлаж Agni Agnellius
Music and Photo Collage by Agni Agnellius

In the contest between Apollo and Marsyas, the terms stated that the winner could treat the defeated party any way he wanted. Since the contest was judged by the Muses, Marsyas naturally lost and was flayed alive in a cave near Celaenae for his hubris to challenge a god. Apollo then nailed Marsyas' skin to a pine tree, near Lake Aulocrene (the Turkish Karakuyu Gölü), which Strabo noted was full of the reeds from which the pipes were fashioned.

There are several versions of the contest; according to Hyginus, Marsyas was departing as victor after the first round, when Apollo, turning his lyre upside down, played the same tune. This was something that Marsyas could not do with his flute. According to another version Marsyas was defeated when Apollo added his voice to the sound of the lyre. Marsyas protested, arguing that the skill with the instrument was to be compared, not the voice. However, Apollo replied that when Marsyas blew into the pipes, he was doing almost the same thing himself. The Muses supported Apollo's claim, leading to his victory.

Ovid touches upon the theme of Marsyas twice, very briefly telling the tale in Metamorphoses vi.383-400, where he concentrates on the tears shed into the river Marsyas, and making an allusion in Fasti, vi.649-710, where Ovid's primary focus is on the aulos and the roles of flute-players rather than Marsyas, whose name is not actually mentioned.

1I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud; and the rainbow was upon his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire; 2and he had in his hand a little book which was open. He placed his right foot on the sea and his left on the land; 3and he cried out with a loud voice, as when a lion roars; and when he had cried out, the seven peals of thunder uttered their voices. 4When the seven peals of thunder had spoken, I was about to write; and I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Seal up the things which the seven peals of thunder have spoken and do not write them.” 5Then the angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his right hand to heaven, 6and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, WHO CREATED HEAVEN AND THE THINGS IN IT, AND THE EARTH AND THE THINGS IN IT, AND THE SEA AND THE THINGS IN IT, that there will be delay no longer, 7but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, then the mystery of God is finished, as He preached to His servants the prophets.

8Then the voice which I heard from heaven, I heard again speaking with me, and saying, “Go, take the book which is open in the hand of the angel who stands on the sea and on the land.” 9So I went to the angel, telling him to give me the little book. And he said to me, “Take it and eat it; it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.” 10I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; and when I had eaten it, my stomach was made bitter. 11And they said to me, “You must prophesy again concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings.”


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