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My Auris


Регистрация: 24 апреля ’2024   05:22
Имя: My Auris
Страна: Greece
Город: Tp. Hồ Chí Minh
О себе:
    My Auris Dental is one of the prestigious and pioneering dental facilities in the field of cosmetic dentistry in Vietnam. With a team of experienced, highly specialized doctors and a modern equipment system, My Auris is committed to providing customers with high quality, safe and effective dental services.

    Highlights of My Auris Dental:

    Possessing WTS Standards: My Auris is the first unit in Vietnam to apply the WTS Standards - a remarkable advance in cosmetic dental science. WTS standards ensure that the smile is designed in harmony with the face, ensuring chewing function and long-term aesthetics.
    Highly specialized team of doctors: My Auris brings together a team of experienced dentists who have studied abroad and participated in many in-depth training courses in the field of cosmetic dentistry. Doctors always update the most advanced dental techniques to bring customers the best treatment results.
    Modern equipment system: My Auris is equipped with a system of modern dental machinery and equipment imported from the United States and Europe, ensuring safety and effectiveness during treatment.
    Diverse services: My Auris provides a variety of dental services, including:
    Teeth whitening
    Cosmetic porcelain crowns
    Wisdom tooth extraction
    Periodontal treatment
    Aesthetic porcelain teeth
    Dedicated customer care: My Auris always focuses on dedicated and thoughtful customer care. Our professional staff is always ready to advise and answer all customers' questions.
    My Auris Dental - The place that brings you a bright and confident smile:

    With the above highlights, My Auris Dental is confident to be a reputable address for you to choose when you need dental services. Come to My Auris to have a bright and confident smile!

    My Auris Dental Clinic
    11Bis Nguyen Gia Thieu, Ward 6, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh
    Mon - Sun: 08:30 am - 06:00 pm
    Phone: 0906038017
    Web: https://myauris.vn
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