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Эд Коффе: Римский-Корсаков ( Полет шмеля)

Фильмы, клипы, мультфильмы / Музыкальные клипы / Эд Коффе: Римский-Корсаков ( Полет шмеля)
Просмотр работы:
30 апреля ’2016   15:53
Просмотров: 15045

Ed Coffey- Rimsky-Korsakoff
(Flight of the Bumblebee / Полет шмеля)
Web site http://coffey.jimdo.com/

Steinberger has long been famous for designing the most comfortable and balanced basses the world has ever seen and the Synapse bass is no different. Designed by Ned Steinberger, the Synapse bass guitar is a HYBRID instrument combining the strength, rigidity and clarity of graphite with the warmth and beauty of wood. At the heart of every Synapse is our Cybrosonic™ neck featuring our patented graphite U-channel with adjustable truss rod uniquely crafted into a 3-piece, hard maple neck. We then add a smooth and durable phenolic fingerboard and a glued-in body design to create an instrument with distinctive tonal clarity, sustain, "pop" and response as well as ultimate stability!

One low-impedance, active EMG USA bass humbucker mounted at the "sweetspot" combined with an internal low-impedance preamp and a stereo piezo bridge extends the range on both ends for earth-moving lows and phenomenal transients from slap-style playing. Internal trim pots allow you to adjust the balance of the piezo output between the high and low strings if needed. Equipped with a Rosewood saddle for warm, pure tone, you can install an optional aluminum or composite saddle to create other tonal possibilities as well.

Other features include our Combo™ headpiece that accommodates both DoubleBall™ and single-ball strings, the patented 40:1 ratio, direct-drive double ball bridge for super-fast string changes and rock-solid tuning stability. With it’s headless design and new, innovative “Strap Hook”, the Synapse bass balances perfectly and positions the bass in the ideal playing position when standing. The fold-down leg rest accommodates performance while seated as well.

Provided with a premium, padded gigbag, the Synapse’s headless design is compact and capable of fitting into tight places including most overhead airplane bins. Put it all together and you’ve got a bass of unequalled performance, comfort and flexibility. Steinberger - State of the Instrument.


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