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Artist Vasily Tryndyk .TryNdyk.CoM

Просмотр работы:
14 января ’2019   23:58
Просмотров: 10104

In 1991 the life of the artist changes dramatically - he and his family came to work under the contract to the Netherlands. The difficult political situation in Russia played then its crucial role in the fact that V. Tryndyk stayed in the Netherlands for a long time.
Holland met the artist very friendly - numerous exhibitions and recognizing him as an artist has followed.
He is still in a search of new artistic forms of expression.
The “Dutch period” is remarkable for its philosophical reflections of the essence of being.
A wise man said that the world is what you are able to receive. The bigger your inner space is the more you absorb and the more abundant the world is. At last you realize that it is not what we see. And as you grow, so does the universe, because it is actually an expanding universe.
All these thoughts excite the artist and he seeks for new music of color, melodies, and sounds of the universe in painting.
He creates a series of paintings “The Musicians”. The artist explores an individual musician, his music of the universe and then combines them all together in one painting and we see that the Creator was in a perfect mood when he created our world.
Love is also an important theme in this artist’s work. This is the great love for life, for family, for people, for the motherland, for our planet. The artist speaks about it calmly, without pathos, because that is what love is supposed to be.


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