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Addition to the most interesting gags 1

Литература / Сатира и юмор / Addition to the most interesting gags 1
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01 апреля ’2021   00:09
Просмотров: 7766

By April 1

Almost full set of gags, pranks, ridicule, aphorisms, etc. "On the contrary..." is posted on the Amazon website (Nizovtsev Yury).


Here are new gags and judgments for the amusement of the public.

The Internet is a great start to the near end.

Even the Internet cannot do anything with a fool, but with a smart one - easily.

It is safer to swallow liberty only in small portions.

Milking is more pleasant and useful not cows, and rich loafers.

If you are smart and kind – your place is next to a latrine.

The comma is more remarkable than the dot, as it always promises a continuation.

Not for nothing in the very middle of the torso of the brain more than in the head.

Crowds of the people are pleasant only at the demonstrations of solidarity - doesn't matter with whom.

Life prisoners, getting a life without worries - what you can only dream of - for some reason, are wither.

Everyone certainly becomes an intruder if he is given complete freedom of action.

Announcement: the issue of secrets is made only for cryptocurrency.

If "a stop occurs in a commune," then there will be nothing to shoot in oneself with, but under capitalism - you are always please.

If to catch and hang the main representatives of bourgeoisie, then, note - there is no holy place empty.

Know: the mental acuity cuts through only on a fed stomach, unless, of course, you fall asleep.

A naked person is quite suitable for a zoo - there will be enough spectators, if only he will be strutted about around in a cage and stroke to himself in places.

Answers to the questions of both working people and idlers

Why is artificial intelligence needed?
Art always requires sacrifice.

What is natural intelligence required for?
In order to figure out time which way to run, including and away from artificial intelligence.

What would happen if we weren't there?
Anticipation for our coming, which happens periodically.

When is it necessary to go forward?
When you don't have to look back.

Why is the population decreasing in Russia at such a rate?
There is nothing for it to do here yet, and it cannot do anything yet.

Is there any benefit from the process of vaccination?
Everything is useful - depending on what and for whom.

Is it possible to heal from stupidity?
Even vaccination here will not help.

Is it possible to develop mental abilities?
No, if they lack, but you can if they suddenly show up.

Is it possible, finally, to choose an intelligent and decent ruler?
It is impossible, since the overwhelming majority of the electors are mere suckers.

Will digitalizing everything help us?
In this case, out of this "everything" will come "nothing".

What will we come to in the end?
Since we are capitally located in the finite, which is in infinity, we will never irrevocably come to anything.

Why is everything done wrong with us?
It is not only with us, but - the main thing: because everyone tries to do "so" not at all for a neighbor.

What is a “departing nature”?
This is the nature that is displaced by the incoming one, since it is impossible for everyone to be here.

What does an excessive number of people lead to?
To the same consequence, as and an insufficient number.

Why do usurers thrive?
Because of the temptation to get everything at once by unfit means.

What is a fact?
What has already happened or turned out.

Why is the movement of the planets purely periodic?
So that we can get up in the sun on time - everything is for the consumer!

Will cash be canceled soon?
Well, if only - together with us with all, since the law for fools is not written.

What are philosophers for?
They are a waste from the production of mass products, since none of these products listen to them.


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