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2 Ironic passages about love

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 2 Ironic passages about love
Просмотр работы:
15 июня ’2022   00:15
Просмотров: 3678

The boiling of passion logically turns into steam of indifference
What is the difference of traders and women?
Shopkeepers try to sell everything, except themselves, and women try to sell themselves for the sake of everything else.
Where does a lady superior to a maiden?
In the dark.
Everyone can be deluded, especially in the process of fornication.
The kiss is not necessary for reproduction, but it contributes to the further non-resistance of the parties.
The most people, as and animals, perceive the sex intercourses as the most important relationship.
The divorce seeming the vital activity resuscitation, indeed returns us to the origins, but, alas, significantly dried out.
What is love in a general sense of this concept?
The thrust.


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