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1 Ironic passages about Creation.

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 1 Ironic passages about Creation.
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14 сентября ’2022   00:05
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The universe is expanding faster and faster in order to we have not time to crawl in there.

Flights into space are not giving it in any way significantly to raise in the people's well-being.

The end of the world is urgently needed when it is no longer enough.

Everything is in relative balance inasmuch the waste out of some is the receipt of supply for others.

If all it seems to us, then it in general looks not so bad.

For what reason does life exist?
For us to have something to say goodbye to.

Will aliens fly in to us?
Would you fly to the same fools?

Why is the beautiful side by side with the terrible?
In order to accentuate with the help of each of their own merits.

Are there parallel worlds?
Only in schizophrenics.

What if the sun goes out?
At the last, rejoice in the light of distant stars.


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