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2 My ironic passages about life

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 2 My ironic passages about life
Просмотр работы:
11 декабря ’2022   00:04
Просмотров: 2792

It is necessary to spread only what is well deposited.
You can be deluded only before the wedding, and after it you only have to fornicate.
Secrets should be given out strictly in secret.
Why is it so hard to live?
You have to drag everything in a row.
You would be saying goodbye to life every day before going to bed due to the lack of control over awakening.
Masochists are respected by people for their self-critical attitude towards themselves.
Is it possible to hide from troubles?
It is preferable to shoot oneself in the cemetery.
The smartest sit and do not stick out, as they know what they are sitting for.


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