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1. The sneers over the spiritualized persons.

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 1. The sneers over the spiritualized persons.
Просмотр работы:
30 апреля ’2023   00:10
Просмотров: 2148

Without a tongue, all that remains is to move brains.
The window to the world is becoming more and more difficult to wipe clean.
The dead leave us a field of activity, but, alas, one that disappears with the last dead person.
The surroundings exist only in order not to put up with it.
If everything has a downside, then what is situated in that case on the edge?
History that claims to be "Science" refutes itself this claim with conflicting stories on the same topic.
If the thought beats, without finding a way out, we should get some sleep.
Genuine singers sweat so much, that the song just spills out of them.
Painful mental anguish is still inferior to the experiences when restraining diarrhea in the presence of guests.
Spirit is strengthened not so bad by the acquisition of jackboots with footcloths.
The animals' distrust of us stems from their perceived eating by us of their most delicious representatives.


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