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2. The sneers over the poor.

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 2. The sneers over the poor.
Просмотр работы:
27 марта ’2024   00:10
Просмотров: 471

Drunkenness is the surest means of ensuring a subjectively fearless existence in a hostile surrounding.
The people always allocate out of themselves gentlemen because without them the people have to complain only about themselves.
The people are powerful, but also lazy, and want alms, when will arrive communism as a result message of comrade Marx.
Shit floats to the surface in order to you can work calmly at depth.
Well, the eternal dissatisfaction, but not fault, given to us for clarity.
If life becomes unbearable - change your place of residence.
The only benefit from the authorities is to force us not to come to terms with them.
Bedbugs believe that food comes to them by itself only at night.
Socialism existed for some time only due to the capitalist encirclement.
An ordinary staircase combines the incompatible for each of us: it is capable always leading and up and down.


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