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04 River

Просмотр работы:
23 ноября ’2022   19:31
Просмотров: 2812
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04 River (Daislley/Gilmour/Whitfield)

This is a river from the source to the sea
It is a long way through the mountains and fields
Pure water quickly turns to the stream
I use to standing and waiting them in silence dream

When I was young and small
I heard the river call
She spoke with a tall sedge
About water's edge
About time that quaintly runs away

How cold waters
How fresh your clear air
And little daughters
Their feet were white and bare

We ran along the sandy bank
We were so long and lang
Bright splashes flew around
There was a cheerful sound
The motorboats gaining speed

This is a river from the source to the sea (So pleasant coolness)
It is a long way through the mountains and fields (How fresh your clear air)
Pure water quickly turns to the stream (My senses were acuteness)
We use to standing and waiting them in silence dream (Remarkable affair)

And as before we'll sail away
At our island, we'll allay
Our nerves from the blows of fate
And heart pain now should be abated

This is a river from the source to the sea
It is a long way through the mountains and fields
Pure water quickly turns to the stream
We use to standing and waiting them in silence dream

We ran along the bank
We were so long and lang
Bright splashes flew around
There was a cheerful sound
The motorboats were gaining speed

Along along way
To go to meet again
Those wide and deepest Sea
Strive to achieve it

Now you filling up
With strength
You go and hope
Into a single whole
You merging there

Into a single whole
You merging there

Rick - Martin Bass, Taurus Bass, 12 str guitar GLD40
Steve- Guitar LP stand, Burny LP Costom, 12 str guitar MA28, Lap steel guitar,Vocals
Tony- Ibanez Bass, Roland MKS-20, Roland D-50, Roland JV-1080, JUNO-106, Piano, Roland SRX ORCHESTRA
Robin – Drums
Свидетельство о публикации №426031 от 23 ноября 2022 года


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Оставлен: 24 ноября ’2022   00:27
You think globally)))
And I did listen to the end, struggling with the desire to turn into a jellyfish and swim away under the sofa.
It's great)))))))

Оставлен: 24 ноября ’2022   22:04
Спасибо, Данила за роскошный отзыв! Спасибо!!!

Оставлен: 25 ноября ’2022   10:09
С этим, всегда пожалуйста)))

Оставлен: 24 ноября ’2022   16:11

Оставлен: 24 ноября ’2022   19:51

Оставлен: 27 ноября ’2022   16:26
Сргей, Привет!
Я тоже буду писать по-иностранному     :
Po-moyemu (Somerset Maughem'u   joke) poluchilos' CLASSNO, AQUARELNO! Reshpectъ!
В проекте приняли участие знакомые ребята? Очень хороша 12 струнка и фоно в кайф!
Мне ообенно понравилась часть композиции с 5:45 рисунок баса и соло.
Yours sincerely,

Оставлен: 28 ноября ’2022   21:02
Слава, привет! Спасибо большое за то, что высоко оценил мой опус. Не все так гладко получилось, но старался! 

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