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al l bo - Born In Shanghai (feat. Hopeful Peace)

МУЗЫКА / Диско, танцевальная / al l bo - Born In Shanghai (feat. Hopeful Peace)
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19 июля ’2019   17:27
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al l bo - Born In Shanghai
Songwriter - Alexander Bobrov

Bridge 1
Come on, come on!
You are dancing in the spirit of me.
Come on, come on!
It's one soul for party people here.

Verse 1
I always gave a best chance
to party people of the whole world,
But feeling of tonight dance
is dreaming about my sweet home.
Self made god - my feeling like:
party people keep rhythm and show me the same sign.
Self made god: in this party light
they're dancing like me - all eyes are mine.
Because i'm borned In Shanghai.

Watch me, hey, because in this night
I'm borned In Shanghai!
Watch me, hey, this dance has a might,
All eyes are mine!
Watch me, hey, because in this night
I'm borned In Shanghai!
Watch me, hey, in pulse of godlike.

Verse 2
You find, my dance is craziest
but the people of my land love a good rest.
it makes hot even the laziest,
they move better MJ under my best.
Overmind - my feeling like:
party fun now has crossed given red line.
Overmind: in this party light
everybody is me - all eyes are mine.
Because i'm borned In Shanghai.

Bridge 2
Long time you have been in a hover:
It's over! It's over!


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Оставлен: 19 июля ’2019   19:22
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