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One More Cup Of Coffee (LIVE)

МУЗЫКА / Каверы, караоке / One More Cup Of Coffee (LIVE)
Просмотр работы:
18 января ’2023   23:27
Просмотров: 3091
Добавлено в закладки: 1

Автор поставил запрет на загрузку файла
Your breath is sweet, your eyes are like two jewels in the sky
Your back is straight, your hair is smooth on the pillow where you lie
But I don't sense affection, no gratitude or love
Your loyalty is not to me but to the stars above
One more cup of coffee for the road
One more cup of coffee 'fore I go
To the valley below
Your daddy, he's an outlaw and a wanderer by trade
He'll teach you how to pick and choose, and how to throw the blade
He oversees his kingdom, so no stranger does intrude
His voice, it trembles as he calls out for another plate of food
One more cup of coffee for the road
One more cup of coffee 'fore I go
To the valley below
Your sister sees the future like your mama and yourself
You've never learned to read or write, there's no books upon your shelf
And your pleasure knows no limits, your voice is like a meadow lark
But your heart is like an ocean, mysterious and dark
One more cup of coffee for the road
One more cup of coffee 'fore I go
To the valley below

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/z7Em3nwc2xc


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