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New Schism

МУЗЫКА / Металл / New Schism
Просмотр работы:
01 января ’2021   08:08
Просмотров: 6203

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For New Year 2021!

[Richard Freeman]
Time old things have passed away
all the pain flowed a stream of blood
now there is no sense to go back
because there is more light in this new
year will be a lot of good health
I have learned to deal with pain with fear
only charged strength

[Saweliy Ivinikhin]
New Schism under us
we beat the drum to the rhythm
the roar of the electric guitar
is heard in our eyes

[Khan Shtorh]
The sun is hot, the electric guitar is hot
I tried to get back everything I lost
the sweat didn't run off my face
I was never afraid to go slow
I was afraid to just fall
my heart is pounding beats
my voice is screaming rock
and it's a long time until
my physical body dies
and I go to heaven

[Saweliy Ivinikhin]
New Schism under us
we beat the drum to the rhythm
the roar of the electric guitar
is heard in our eyes

[Khan Shtorh]
{Adrenaline in your eyes}

New Schism under us
we beat the drum to the rhythm
the roar of the electric guitar
is heard in our eyes


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