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МУЗЫКА / Рок / Autumn
Просмотр работы:
01 июня ’2011   13:11
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Take a ride
Down the seaside of this town
So quiet, so peaceful and warm
Let the sea tell you good-bye
Before the winter falls
And you leave back home

Watch the wind
Taking leaves down to your hands
Feel it slightly pushing you
To the place we used to call home
Come on in would you come and stay
Till the winter falls
And you leave back home, leave back home

Ch. It's autumn, it's autumn
Season of the falling leaves
Sweetest lies and memories
That bring you back here

Now that cold comes into this town
You said it's time for you to
Leave this place, go back home
Oh, no and I pray that rain
Could make you stay
For another day, another day
Just one more day

December is to steal
My wish on falling star
And make me feel so far
From the place you are
Living life
But still I've got another night
To make you stay
So, I hold you close
And you've got to know
That baby I will never let you go

Ch. It's autumn, it's autumn
Season of the falling leaves
Sweetest time that always
Brings you down
To my town, so come on

Hey now, don't be sad
Sunny days are far to end
Still the wind paints streets with gold
It's still not cold
In the place I am living life
And still I've got another night
To make you stay
So I hold you close
'Cause else I don't know how
Tomorrow you'll be home
But you are here now

Ch. It's autumn,
Sweet time, autumn
When I'm not alone, autumn
Would you take me home, autumn
Season of the falling leaves
Sweetest lies and golden trees
That call you back here


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Оставлен: 25 июня ’2011   19:52

Оставлен: 12 декабря ’2011   09:38
Опять же аранжировочка здоровская)

Оставлен: 23 декабря ’2011   00:41
Сезон падающих листьев
Самая сладкая ложь и золотые деревья -   Вы лююбите осень )) Красиво!

Оставлен: 24 декабря ’2011   03:25
Спасибочки)поём про осень))любим лето)

Оставлен: 07 мая ’2012   22:04
Просто классно! Классный комфортный звук, профессиональная работа! Понравилось.
С уважением, Максим.

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