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The hidden beauty of this obscured town

Литература / Тексты песен / The hidden beauty of this obscured town
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16 апреля ’2012   22:38
Просмотров: 22331

Мне удобнее писать по-английски ("виноваты" Пинк Флойд  :) ).
Это эдакое кантри типа Хэнка Уильямса, чью песню Hey Good-lookin! я обожаю.

I guess my ship never arrived in this town.
Got caught in Odyssey that never hit this ground.
I was obsessed with finding Fields of Gold, but what I found was endless snow.
And though I must have passed it by, it's only now I realize
The hidden beauty of this obscured town.

Me mama told me "watch it when you're in a place
Where you don't know no-one, especially for days".
But mama, friends are with me, they're alright, with them I will be fine tonight.
And could this be my fate right there? Have I found my true love in here?
The hidden beauty of this obscured town.

I'll take her out the other day in this town.
She'll show me things I was too blind to see around.
I was obsessed with finding Fields of Gold, but that just made me all alone.
No friend can replace sweet-sweet touch of love so caring and so much.
The hidden beauty of this obscured town.

I'll tell her stories of places so afar,
She'll tell me of her dreams and how she's raising bar.
And I'll feel happy for my trips but now I'm tired of them, I want lips
That make me feel like home with all emotions that I carry on.
The hidden beauty of this obscured town.

(solo through first two bars of a verse)
And our home will be a blooming flower, summer follows springtime hours.
This may sound silly, but it's a fact, - men have feet with girls by their side.
Not so hidden truth of mortal life.
I'll live my dreams with dreams of hers, my wife.
The hidden beauty of this obscured town.
The hidden beauty of this obscured town.


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