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Why are wars proving to be an inevitable evil?

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Nizovtsev Yu.

Why are wars proving to be an inevitable evil?


Since ancient times, not a single power has openly proclaimed the need for the destruction of other peoples or tribes, speaking only about the pacification of ungrateful or evil neighbors, whose peoples will be better off under the auspices of other rulers - just and honest, and they will certainly establish proper order. And the order was sometimes brought about in such a way that not a single person remained of a whole series of peoples.

Keywords: wars, peoples, consciousness, self-consciousness, civilization, dissatisfaction, information, alive, environment.

Table of contents
1. The basic cause of wars in human communities.
2. Civilization as an inexhaustible stream of wars.
3. Conclusions and upshots.

1. The basic cause of wars in human communities.

All living beings, in comparison with inanimate ones, have a cardinal difference from them. It consists in the fact that they are able to consume, process and transmit certain information, while all passive formations can only be carriers of information that are used by living things.
Information, among other things, brings to every living being data about his place in the environment in which he has to fight for life in order not to lose the sensations that the information flow available to him provides.
Naturally, the acquisition of certain advantages in the fight against rivals for the right to life can only be ensured by a continuous struggle with complacency – otherwise any living being will be devoured or pushed away from the feeder.
Thus, in order to survive, produce offspring and feed satisfactorily, any living being whose main property is activity cannot be satisfied with what it has at this moment. Otherwise, it will be outstripped and even what it has already managed to acquire will be taken away.
It is for this reason that the main consequence of activity is the aspiration for the new, based on dissatisfaction with the known and familiar, and this aspiration, as a rule, is realized in associations of living beings who find it easier to overcome the resistance of the environment. And the most characteristic examples, at a minimum, of preserving one's own range by gradually acquiring the most advantageous properties for this even with a minimum of methods for protecting against enemies are corals and ants. Their communities have existed for hundreds of millions of years, and are unlikely to be destroyed without catastrophes. However, these impoverished communities are on the outskirts of existence, while creatures with a higher level of dissatisfaction during this time have complicated their structure, reaching a higher level of their needs and, as a result, - a richer range of sensations.
All living things, which are being distributed hierarchically along the food chain, starting with plants, provide food for those who are higher in this chain, who, in the course of evolution, due to an increased level of dissatisfaction, have achieved the great opportunities for the consumption of information, and, consequently, - the great opportunities to survive, while consuming for food those who could not achieve this.
In this distribution, plants are at the very bottom, insects are slightly higher, and animals complete this chain.
Stimulation of changes in all types of living beings is carried out by a variety of microorganisms - from viruses to bacteria and fungi, providing accelerated mutation of the genomes of these creatures, which partly affects the rate of development and complication of organisms.
However, at the heart of all actions of living beings is the dissatisfaction of their consciousness, which allows, at least, to stay in the trend of the ongoing changes in the environment and not die immediately after birth.
Within the framework of certain species and even families, dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs also dictates the pushing back of the weaker to acquire certain benefits, which, as a rule, are not enough for everybody.
The emergence of human communities, for which, unlike all others, the most characteristic difference is a partial separation from the environment by determining oneself, turned out to be a turning point in the development of organisms on the planet, since it supplemented the instinctive-reflex activity of their consciousness by the project-target activity, that is, planned-promising activity due to the awareness of their own actions, thanks to which people have imagination, abstract thinking and the ability to go beyond full adaptability to the environment.
In other words, a being has appeared that senses oneself not only a living organism, but also considers oneself by the being which is over the nature that owns time to a certain extent, and not just exists in time.
Before the appearance of hominids, all other living beings were just active elements of an environment consisting of themselves and inanimate objects, since their consciousness focused only on consuming the products of their environment without understanding that this environment can be changed purposefully to improve own lives.
Over time, the communities of hominids have acquired and augmented in their minds a kind of department, which gradually led them to the understanding that it is possible to purposefully change the environment in order to obtain predetermined results within a planned interval of time, for example, not just by picking fruits and berries, but by their breeding. This, in turn, led them to the understanding of time as a process within which one can act consciously throughout the entire life span. Thus, these already people, realized their mortality, which other living beings only sense through own decrepitude.
A person's understanding of dissatisfaction with himself certainly provokes him to search for something interesting, to solve various riddles and problems, often by no means utilitarian, which very significantly develops consciousness and allows it to express himself with the greatest return and satisfaction in current life.
Thus, in human communities, the degree of freedom, which consists, in principle, for all living beings in the dissatisfaction of consciousness with one's own surrounding, realized by an impact on the existing beingness taking into account its counteraction, is supplemented by a state of dissatisfaction of self-consciousness, that is, oneself, causing the development of ways of one's own change by impact on existing beingness with the possibility of transforming it for own purposes.
Awareness of the temporality of one's life, in during which, nevertheless, one can achieve many goals together, can be designated as the awareness of oneself, or self-consciousness. Naturally, self-consciousness could not but lead to the mitigation of hostility within certain communities united by common goals, which could only be achieved in close cooperation. Mutual help, friendship, sympathy, dedication, empathy have appeared, which can be combined in the term "altruism".
But, nevertheless, all these altruistic concepts that have arisen in a relatively narrow sphere of self-consciousness, dependent on the basic animal consciousness, which is responsible for the vital activity and retention of the organism in the environment, are not able to resist the egocentrism of consciousness of any organism or the entire community of organisms, each of which seeks to occupy the most advantageous position in this environment due to dissatisfaction with the current situation of the basic, that is, animal consciousness.
Moreover, each person can differ in his consciousness and self-consciousness so significantly from other people that not only misunderstanding of each other arises between them, but also an irresistible enmity since their goals, hopes, aspirations, way of life, etc. contradict to each other so, that these contradictions can be eliminated only with the elimination of rivals, just as it happens in the animal world.
That is, the dissatisfaction of people even within a separate community can be completely disproportionate, leading not only to misunderstanding, but also to enmity because of this misunderstanding.
It is for this reason that there is enmity not only between communities, but also between individual groups of people, as well as individuals, not limited to only one rivalry, but leading to deadly wars or clashes between them, as a rule, for power, which brings not only primacy in the community, but also preferential access to all available benefits.
In addition, the uneven development of communities always leads those in power to the temptation to subjugate and plunder less developed communities or even countries, what was doing the states of the "cultured" West and proud imperial Japan that joined them did, despising the rest of the underdeveloped and stupid Asians.
Wars in themselves for the population are horror, devastation, hunger, darkness, epidemics, which is the most disgusting and destructive for the vast masses of people.
But for states and moneybags, there is nothing more profitable than wars, since you can capture and rob foreign peoples, enrich yourself on the supply of weapons and pants for soldiers.
However, the most curious thing is that wars are one of the most progressive processes affecting the accelerated development of civilization. The fact is that even in ancient Rome, which continuously conquered other countries and subordinated other peoples with alien cultures, languages and customs, an interesting consequence of its wars of conquest appeared, namely: the unification of barbarian peoples around a cultural center that did not persecute or humiliate them, but, on the contrary, over time gave the citizenship, built roads, water conduits, bridges, increased literacy, thereby laying the foundation for the formation of Europe as the most cultural and technological part of earthly civilization, that manifested itself later in the era of renaissance and the commission of the industrial revolution in Europe, that brought Europe into the world leaders, which it, together with its former colony - the United States is to this day.
Along with that, wars mobilize for the sake of victory over the enemy all creative forces of the peoples, reveal their hidden creative potential, especially in terms of the development of technologies, on which the quality of weapons depends, and, therefore, victory.
For example, the terrible Second World War, which led to colossal misfortunes, victims and devastation, gave mankind jet technology that revolutionized air transport, powerful rockets that allowed humanity to go into cosmos, atomic weapons, the further transformation of which led to the construction of many economical and environmentally friendly nuclear power plants, and also stopped global wars due to the risk of the destruction of all mankind.
Wars were defusing overproduction crises, changed the leaders of economic development, while remaining the most terrible thing that can be for the population.
As shown above, this contradictory process is based on dissatisfaction of consciousness, and the engine of the development process is the confrontation between the egocentric animal consciousness and altruistic self-awareness with all the unavoidable cataclysms arising from this struggle.
Therefore, the dreams of the beautiful-hearted dreamers about its future peaceful, harmonious, creative and well-fed life of the peoples among the palms and aromas of flowering plants are in vain.

2. Civilization as an inexhaustible stream of wars.

Before giving examples showing that all communities, even within the framework of a seemingly more or less cultivated civilization, are in a state of permanent wars, we note the following.
To the inexperienced layman, who now lives in a relatively safe environment of a developed country, it seems that wars will not affect him. Indeed, it is not so easy to predict the future, but numerous threats are already being received, and everywhere, in fact, there are wars in various forms that have not been encountered before.
If before the emergence of civilization, individual communities fought for survival like flocks of animals, trying to destroy competitors by eating the defeated, then at present, various methods of terrorism are used to weaken and intimidate a stronger enemy; developed countries in all possible ways (loans that cannot be repaid, bribery of the ruling clans, false propaganda, military threats and local wars) take away the natural wealth of the technologically and militarily less developed countries, keeping their population in enduring poverty; the ruling elites of developed countries and supranational power elites, in fact, by deception, are no longer seizing territories, but the economy (corporatization, buying up entire industries, putting individual governments under control, creating alliances of a number of countries, that are beneficial for these elites), ideologically processing the population, promising it various benefits in the future, but throwing it only pathetic handouts in the present, and they themselves are bathed in unthinkable luxury, which provokes permanent envy of the rest of the population, and it has to be restrained from being implemented in the form of taking property from the rich by maintaining a huge repressive and police apparatus and strict laws punishing the layman for the slightest violation of the rules in favor of the clans that seized power, as a result, these clans continue to get richer, and the rest population - to get poorer.
Similar contradictions cause a lot of local wars in different parts of the planet, and they go on almost continuously not only between countries, but also between different segments of the population: Muslims hate Christians and try to harm them in every way, some ethnic communities compete with other bloody methods, the poor are eager to take away everything is with the rich, the rich persecute the poor, not only keeping them in poverty and factual disenfranchisement,, but also coming up with various ways to reduce the population, which, in spite of its poverty, consumes, in their opinion, too many of the limited earth's resources.
All this shows that the shell of civilization includes, in essence, semi-primates who combine natural (animal) consciousness, and at the same time that additional "part" of consciousness that allows them to be aware of their actions and themselves in them, abstracting from reality in their projects and plans aimed at the cherished future.
Similar duality of consciousness, both components of which have different and often opposite aspirations, which determines their struggle with varying success of one or the other component of consciousness, on the one hand, thanks to this struggle, which does not allow them to plunge into prolonged stagnation, accelerates their development up to the formation of a civilization more comfortable for life both in terms of security compared to archaic times when they devoured each other due to hunger and cold, and the formation within its framework of not only a high level of sensations (culture), but also various kinds of ideas (science and technology).
On the other hand, the awareness of oneself in the indifferent world of nature and the fast flowing time, ending for each person with wilting and death, terrifies people from which they try to defend themselves with the invention of religion, since it promises them an afterlife, which somewhat calms them down, but does not moreover.
Be that as it may, but the animal basis of the consciousness of homo sapiens, always dictates to them, as well as to any living beings, dissatisfaction with what is available, provoking the desire to change it for the better, that is, finding better nutrition, more attractive persons of the opposite sex, a more advantageous position in the community, which, in turn, provides a particular individual with the most preferred list of benefits, and, therefore, a larger set of pleasant sensations. In turn, dissatisfaction of self-consciousness in terms of altruism is able to successfully counteract these animal aspirations only in quiet times, and even then among a few people with a sufficiently high level of self-consciousness.
However, the desire for dominance both within each community and between individual communities, dictated by animal consciousness, run into similar aspirations of each subject of action, thereby causing their enmity, despite the fact that self-consciousness tries turning this enmity into rivalry, but, as we know from history, the egocentrism of consciousness almost always wins.
That is, the striving for primacy in order to obtain the greatest number of the high-quality benefits, which are not easily obtained, causes enmity, which too often results in bloody clashes.
In the conditions of the primitive communal system, clans and tribes simply tried to destroy each other in the literal sense - by eating defeated enemies, since there was always not enough food.
With the development of self-consciousness and the emergence of civilization, the victors began to turn the defeated into slaves, using their labor, and then the population was divided into a relatively free - the labor part, and the ruling class with its staff.
A similar structure, in essence, has survived to this day.
Now let's look at the chronicle of wars between states and within states (civil wars) with a few examples.
Since the empire of the ancient Romans, in fact, at one time has covered significant parts of the three continents with the most developed populations for several centuries, it makes sense to look at how they achieved such success.
At first, the main competition for the Romans was the Greek states, which, however, were however at the end of their statehood.
It all started with the declaration of war by the Greek city of Tarentum against Rome (282 BC). The king of Epirus, Pyrrhus, stood up for Tarentum, opposing own expansion to the aggressive policy of Rome.
In two battles, Pyrrhus defeated the Romans and gained power over part of the Italian peninsula and Sicily. In 275 BC the troops of Pyrrhus engaged in a battle with the Romans at Benevent, during which Pyrrhus was unable to win and retreated, evacuating his troops to Epirus.
Thus, Rome defeated the last significant military leader of the Greek poleis.
At the same time, a struggle began between Rome and Carthage, in essence, for the mastery of the entire Mediterranean region.
Since the forces of the rivals were approximately equal, the war between them dragged on for a long time.
The first Punic War went on with varying degrees of success. The battles of the Romans, who landed in Africa, with the Carthaginians ended in defeat of the Romans (255 BC), then the Roman fleet was destroyed in 249 BC, but in 241 BC the fleet of the Carthaginians was defeated by the Romans, who as a result received indemnity and control over Sicily.
The Second Punic War (218 - 201 BC) began with the capture of the Spanish city of Sagunta by Hannibal, which was an ally of Rome, and continued on the territory of the Italian peninsula with the triumphant victories of Hannibal. However, the gradual exhaustion of the forces of Hannibal's army and the failures of other generals of Carthage in Sicily and Spain led to the withdrawal of Hannibal to Africa, where a battle took place under Zama, in which the troops of Carthage were defeated.
Rome became the strongest state in the Mediterranean region.
After the second Punic war, Rome defeated Macedonia, and this win placed all Greece in its hands, Rome also defeated the Seleucid empire, and subjugated Egypt.
Rome only had to finally destroy Carthage.
In 146 BC Carthage was taken by the Romans and completely destroyed.
Building on its success in conquering foreign territories, Rome turned to the realm of Pontus (89 BC).
At the very beginning of the conflict, Roman troops in Asia Minor were scattered by the troops of King Pontus Mithridates. But in 87 BC the Roman army under the command of Sulla landed in Epirus, controlled by Mithridates, and in a number of battles defeated the troops of Mithridates, forcing him to liberate the territories of Greece and Asia Minor, which he had previously occupied.
The war between the Romans and Pontus was continued in 74 BC.
In 72 BC, the Roman commander Lucullus inflicted a crushing defeat on Mithridates at Kabira. Nevertheless, Mithridates defeated the Roman forces at Ziel in 67 BC, regaining Pontus. In 66 BC, the Roman commander Pompey defeated the army of Mithridates on the Lycus River. Along the way, Pompey subjugated Syria and part of the Caucasus to Rome, and Mithridates in 63 BC took his own life at the hands of his bodyguard.
Further everything continued in the same spirit: bloody civil wars were occuring in Rome, emperors overthrew each other, not forgetting about the seizure of foreign territories, and at the end of the empire, they were trying to maintain their dominance also through wars.
It is difficult to find even a few peaceful years in the chronicles of the Roman Empire. There were endless wars, uprisings of slaves, revolts of discontented citizens and the population of the occupied territories.
Maybe later, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, peace came to the newly formed countries of Europe? After all, it seems that they already have not enough forces to seize the stranger territories.
Not at all. There are always enough forces for wars, since anyone who imagines himself to be stronger than his neighbor always comes up with the idea of using this force to subjugate the same neighbor or, at the very least, to rob his own nationals up to the last penny.
Therefore, Europe of the second millennium AD represented the arena of continuous bloody battles between countries and within individual countries for primacy, not to mention crusades and wars per coffin of the Lord with an incredible number of victims.
Here are some of the most typical examples.
England and France fought with each other with rare interruptions for almost a millennium - before Napoleon, filling these breaks by cross-born wars of clans, the pretenders to the throne, wars with their own rebellious population, as well as the conquest of underdeveloped countries, creating their own colonial empires. In the XIX and XX centuries, these countries, in addition to conquering the backward peoples, were at war with Russia, and then with Germany, not counting less large wars, in particular, England with Argentina for the Falklands, and France - with Algeria, and then in Libya.
Russia also was at wars throughout the second millennium with all the surrounding countries almost continuously. And within Russia, as in other European countries, various groups fought for power up to the XXI century. In addition, folk riots, which arose almost a continuous flow until the middle of the 20th century, were being brutally suppressed. That is, there was also no full-fledged peaceful life.
For all three thousand years of its existence, China has also been in a continuous state of war with nomads and other countries surrounding it. In addition, two types of wars were continuously going on inside it – between the population, which periodically overthrew the emperors, and the ruling clique, as well as between various contenders for the throne. Moreover, any break in these wars immediately led the ruling elite to idea: it would be nice to rob or conquer someone else, what it was trying to do.
Even now, after all wars of the XX century both with Japan and for the domination of the country between various contenders, China managed to capture Tibet, fight with India, conflict with the USSR, and now it is preparing to seize Taiwan.
It seems that the United States of America, so geographically distant from the rest of the developed countries, can finally serve as a model of a peaceful and humane State.
But no. It doesn't work again. At first, the United States fought with England, then for almost a century the United States were exterminating in various ways the indigenous people of North America, fought with Spain and Mexico, and then with Germany. Then the United States took part in the Korean War, and soon after that, until the end of the century, waged a cold war with the USSR. Thereafter, acting as a world gendarme, they began the war in Iraq, then - in Syria, and are currently preparing for war with China and continues to wage war with various extremist Muslim groups.
Other countries and regions differ little from those listed. They also were at war in the form of the internal and external battles for the best life, calming on some time only when exposed to the overwhelming force.
But especially distinguished by its inner belligerence the countries of Black Africa. There, like a thousand years ago, various tribes try to destroy each other every other, sometimes cutting opponents with hundreds of thousands. Inside the tribes take place all the time the continuous conflicts and bloody disassembly. All this shows that the level and quality of self-consciousness with its altruistic inclinations here have not yet quite reached satisfactory values, at least in order to make some breaks in wars and clashes.
Here are some data for December 2021 on the topic under consideration.
In Donbass, open war continues between separatists and the troops of Ukraine.
In China, the most serious conflict between Uighur Muslims and Han Chinese is smoldering, which the Chinese have managed to contain so far.
In most countries of the world, there are real battles between the power structures of states that support the coding of the population on the basis of covid, which is beneficial to them, and the opponents of the digital concentration camp.
There are sporadic clashes between the black population and law enforcement agencies in the United States, and a number of states, in particular Texas, are aimed at separating from the United States.
In Libya, there is a war for resources between various factions, which is supported by several European countries.
10-year war between warring factions continues in northeastern Nigeria.
In Ethiopia's Tigray District, a conflict broke out between the population and the security forces with numerous casualties. In West Africa, militias targeted civilians in Burkina Faso, Niger and Nigeria. In Central Africa, large numbers of people have been killed by armed groups in Cameroon, the Central African Republic and Chad.
In Mozambique's Cabo Delgado province, the smoldering conflict has turned into a full-scale armed confrontation. Conflicts of varying degrees of intensity are currently taking place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan. The number of victims of this permanent war in recent weeks has reached many thousands.
There are periodic clashes on the border of India and Pakistan.
The war of Muslim extremists continues against all non-Muslims and between their separate groups.
On the border of Turkey, Iraq and Syria, there is a permanent war between the Turks and the Kurds, who are striving to create an independent state.
The war is smoldering in Karabakh between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
Since 2004, there have been ongoing clashes between the Houthis (Shiites) and government forces in Yemen, which have turned into the war since 2014.
In Syria and Lebanon, there is an ongoing war between representatives of various religious denominations.
The long - term war between Israel and the Palestinians continues.
For many years in Mexico, there has been a real war between the state and the drug mafia using aviation and large military formations.
In Colombia, there has been a war between government forces and rebels for several decades.
The armed conflict between the rebels and government forces in Peru has been going on since 1980 and has claimed the lives of about 70,,000 people.
The only thing that can hold back the fierce fighters for more pleasant places in the world is an outside force.
For example, in the USSR, the Central Asian and Caucasian clans lived in peace, and after the collapse of the USSR they drove out and in some places massacred the Russians, in general, to the detriment of their economy, and began to conflict among themselves and within themselves with numerous victims.
The hypocrisy of the ruling cliques at all times was expressed in the fact, that they, constantly fighting here and there, called for peace and harmony, immediately disrupting both peace and consent for their own benefit, with rare exceptions, such as Switzerland, whose peoples balanced themselves with the rest at the expense of banking and some other exclusive tricks (watches, resorts), and became indifferent to everything except themselves.

3. Conclusions and upshots.

The world of living beings is built on continuous contradictions: in order to survive, you need to devour another living being - be it a plant, insect or animal.
And in our, as it seems, highly developed technological civilization there are tribes in which cannibalism is still practiced (New Guinea), and the overwhelming majority of people happily devour meat products, and the blood steaks give them special pleasure.
That is, a thin cultural layer, the basis of which is the awareness of oneself as a subject capable of purposefully changing the surrounding world, and with it oneself in the direction of respect and love for the surrounding, is not able to compete with the basic (natural) consciousness, which is responsible for the functioning of the whole organism. and for the interaction of this organism with the environment, especially with significant threats to this organism.
In other words, egocentrism, and not altruism, prevails in these cases, with rare exceptions. This we observe everywhere at the present time and have observed in the past, judging by the surviving chronicles.
Therefore, rivalry related to deliberate actions, that is, to the sphere of self-awareness, can only in rare cases oppose the animal consciousness, which is set up to destroy or conquer the enemy. It clearly follows from this: wars cannot but be an attribute of any human community.
The era of capitalism, providing maximum opportunities for the technological development, exacerbates the contradictions between states that have made headway in this development, which require new markets for the sale of products, thereby causing wars with losses incomparable with previous wars due to the emergence of new technologies in the field of armament, producing more and more effective tools for the destruction of manpower.
Although the invention of atomic weapons somewhat tamed the aspiration for global wars, it quickly transformed into a aspiration for local and hybrid wars with the same goals: capturing new markets and robbing weaker countries and regions.
However, the territory of the planet has the limit and the consumption of manufactured goods is not unlimited. Therefore, the capitalist mode of production, automatically adjusted to the growth of sales of products, fails when this limit is reached, because it loses the incentive for development.
The resulting stagnation leads the ruling elite to the idea of transforming society into a form convenient for maintaining the power of this elite and all the advantages associated with it, while part of the altruistic intelligentsia is trying to revive the idea of direct democracy.
In the first case, the ruling elite, in essence, having borrowed Campanella's ideas about an ideal state, offered some kind of formation, reminiscent of Campanella's "ideal" state.
This state of Campanella – the "City of the Sun", where everyone works and there are no scoundrels and parasites, is based on an attempt to balance the various qualities and abilities of people by forced equality. The power in this ideal state belongs to the spiritual aristocracy, or intellectual and religious elite.
Campanella offers the state to eradicate vices and the resulting wrong behavior. He also considers it necessary to destroy the institution of the family, since it leads to private property - a source of inequality. To improve people, Campanella proposes to carry out selection, which should be determined by the bosses.
The current supranational power elite, imagining itself to be intellectual, also wants to forcibly put the population under its control by digitizing the population. This elite tries to discredit the family, having liquidated it gradually, and to deprive the population of property. It assumes to give him certain benefits depending on the behavior of specific individuals, which this elite considers correct, up to the selection of this population. This process has already begun in China.
To do this, it is quite natural for itself, this elite is going to reduce the population several times to reduce the consumption of the remaining resources of the planet by the population, and the main way of this reduction may be to sterilize the population with medical drugs under the pretext of saving it from supposedly fatal diseases, and to digitize the rest of the population with the help of modern computer technologies, putting each of its members under control to dictate to him the appropriate behavior, especially since the main work will be performed not by the population, but by artificial intelligence.
On the other hand, the altruistic part of the intelligentsia, advocating for the people's good without any exceptions, proposes to introduce direct popular rule in order to elect government bodies, which, in its opinion, will fairly distribute the products of labor and natural resources among all members of society, without giving anyone preferences.
Both of these projects are typical utopias, since they, like capitalism, which has lost its incentive for development, lack this very development, which is always built on contradictions, but they are absent here.
In the first case, beneficial for the ruling elite, people turn into a herd, which this elite grazes for the sake of obtaining certain products for themselves from this herd, not giving it the will in order to avoid its own elimination.
Naturally, such an artificial formation will degrade extremely quickly in all its parts, since it will not receive updates in the form of certain innovations in both technological and cultural spheres, especially since this post-capitalist society will parasitize on artificial intelligence, which, as it is supposed, to replace the human intelligence, that in fact will eliminate human creativity, thereby depriving society of progress.
In the second case, which seems to be beneficial for the entire population, this population will technically be unable to control their chosen ones, who will quickly try to benefit from the power they have inherited, and everything will return to normal, eventually producing the same degradation of the population in the computer field of the artificial intelligence.
As a result of the fact that creative human consciousness gives priority to artificial intelligence, which is actually a brainless blockhead working according to programs defined and developed by someone else, artificial intelligence will give out information only within the framework of these programs, while there will be no one to write new programs due to the degradation of specialists in this field.
In addition, users of incoming information will cease to understand its meaning from the point of view of adequate operation of all equipment and systems controlled by artificial intelligence. Therefore, communication, transport, and power supply systems in case of certain failures in the control system will fail at once, effectively destroying this technological civilization, from which only feral tribes will remain after a short time.
For example, to elimination of the population of the large cities, it is enough to turn off the power supply, as a result of which elevators will stop, water from taps will stop flowing, traffic lights will go out, cars and trains will stop, and there will be no one to change this situation for the better. Food will quickly run out. Due to the lack of water, diseases and the extinction of the population will begin, which has nowhere to go and who are not expected anywhere.
This is the upshot of the contradictory existence of a civilization, which, like everything finite, finds its limit in existence at that historical moment when contradictions will be eliminated.
Therefore, this civilization will disappear, providing an opportunity for the gradual formation of a new civilization, which, most likely, will retain a very weak idea of the previous one.


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