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On the source of entropy and its features in beingness

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14 июля ’2024   00:09
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Until now, the source of entropy as an irreversible dispersion and a measure of disorder or uncertainty of a system has not been identified, whereas the entropy carries not only a negative charge, but is one of the factors that ensure living things, and for a person it represents the basis for the manifestation of such pillars of the aware interaction people as good and evil.

Key words: entropy, information, alive, errors, consciousness, self-consciousness, time, good, evil.

The term “entropy” (reversal or transformation in Greek) itself has a basically dual meaning: an irreversible dispersion of energy, substance or information, and a measure of disorder or uncertainty of a system [see, for example, 1].
Entropy, despite its association with chaos or disorder, can also carry positivity of one kind or another, for example, solar radiation, resulting from an increase in the entropy of this luminary, is converted on Earth into the energy of chemical bonds in the biosphere, ultimately carrying life.
Note also, that the law of non-decreasing entropy applies only to isolated (closed) systems. Therefore, all physical processes, as well as the course of the current time in them, are irreversible.
Now, let us turn to the connection between the living things and entropy, having identified along the way the source due to which the entropy, as part of the information flow, manifests itself in beingness.
Any alive organism has one ability which is absent at all inanimate objects.
The living organisms, the only ones that are in beingness, possess subjectivity, that is, knowingly, but at different levels perceive, handle, produce, transmit and use information, if, of course, to understand under information of data on a condition of the objects, surrounding an organism, which this organism distinguishes by the means, which are available for it.
Information, as such, is absent for all inanimate objects (things), since they do not have the means to recognize, or rather, to form the environment, namely, they have not sense organs or centers processing the data coming through the receptors in such way, that around was being formed the changing environment in which is possible to live, reproduce, maintain existence own genus, to develop and compete with other living beings for the right to occupy various niches of life, at first without realizing it, and afterwards and absolutely consciously as a person.
In other words, without ability to perceive and produce information it is impossible to manifest anything even if this something and exists there in the latent state.
Therefore, in order to manifest the “structure”, in which one can live, it requires organisms that can extract and produce information, which is being converted into a material that makes up the internal and external spheres for the existence of these organisms, and the duration, within which is possible to act by passing the baton to subsequent living organisms, which as a result of random changes in the genome (programs recorded on protein molecules) will be able to adapt to the changing environment better.
Since apart from the living beings (the active) and lifeless (the passive) there is nothing - and they do not produce each other, coexisting, in our understanding, always – then the duration in which it is possible to exists, developing, to alive is necessary oneself to form thanks to own opportunities to perceive and process information, selecting from a infinity out of time those data, which alive is capable to recognize according to the form-building abilities in the form of copies of fragments of objects which potentially, but inseparably are contained in a infinity out of time, in which is hidden everything, what was, exists now, as well as everything, what will be [see, for example, 2].
These copies coming to the living being as impulses (information packages) contain the coded data on the material objects which the living being thanks to presence of a set of the sense organs processing information of the centers and form-building abilities, was capable to identify. These serial signals impulses, like the television picture, merge in the living being in a show incessantly changing surrounding, since the pause between the impulses entering one after another does not take into account in consciousness of the living being at the expense of a particular duration of processing every portion of information, and the delay, which arises thereby, doing for consciousness by the continuous (a perception threshold) a discrete process of receiving of information.
This is how each living being forms its own surrounding in the form of objects of its own beingness, moving in the current time and space, and in their totality living beings form a common environment for their discrete but stable existence throughout life in the form of universes with all its attributes.
Since the selection from an infinity out of time, in which consciousness and things fused together and not able to manifest without their separation with subsequent connection is being produced by means of a quasi-temporary superhigh-frequency holographic projection of an infinity out of time, in so far appears the current time (beingness), in which a uniform infinity out of time gains the ability to "split" on an infinite number of finite ordered formations - information copies of own hidden content.
Thus, all objects of the present beingness - from universes to a person - are, in contrast to Creation, finite in their existence. All of them are being formed through a quasi-temporary ultra-high frequency holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
Beingness, which is being presented to us as such reliable, real, vast, corresponding certain laws, containing macro- and microcosm, elementary particles and radiations, galaxies and the living beings, in the basis has no more than information, more precisely, - the high-frequency holographic formations, bearing information. They are equal to zero integrally for each position of updating owing to manifestation of each wave-like formation jointly with the same formation in antiphase. Such balance of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time corresponds to an infinity out of time which is nothingness, becoming by everything only through own projection in quasi-time. Nevertheless, before the mutual annihilation of both impulse wave-like formations in the opposite phase, each of them is able to manifest for a while, converting within framework of this time into beingness by means of living beings.
This discrete process cannot have the beginning and the end because the dual system of Creation is steady in the functioning and manifestation, which excludes non-existence due to interaction between the infinite and the finite.
This system not only has no propulsor, but it formally is nothingness, reducing oneself in any position to zero integrally. Therefore, it is not being fallen apart, and it does not need both in the beginning, and in the end.
On the other hand, the system of Creation isn't capable to be divided on an independent infinity out of time and a separate holographic projection – system is a single whole, in which the form-building active is being fueled by the passive, which is losing its shape in the finite formations.
Thereby, this dual Creation, consisting of an infinity out of time and its quasi-temporal projection in the form of an ultra-high frequency hologram, is able to express oneself through an infinite set of finite objects of beingness thanks to the interaction of the active (consciousness) and passive (things) as in the current calendar (general) time, and in the own time of each of the active (alive) beings, that is, the beings possessing consciousness, which in this temporal existence of finite objects cannot become infinite without disappearing from time, but this disappearance occurs with them, more precisely, with their consciousness after its separation from the body, that is, at the moment of death of the living being [see, for example, 3].
In the course of this process, purely statistically, ultrahigh-frequency vibrations that are converted into objects of beingness through living beings cannot be ideal, giving certain failures or sometimes overlapping each other, despite the fact, that a holographic projection of a timeless infinity is on the whole the stable and harmonious formation. In this regard, the incoming information cannot but be distorted to one degree or another.
As a result, all objects of beingness, both individually and during their interaction, cannot but deviate from a given functioning to one degree or another, similar to what happens in a radio receiver, in which the sound purity from the received radio station never reaches 100 percent.
In particular, timing of existence of each object of beingness in a certain form with a specific content, including the active (living) one, is limited by the presence of inevitable failures in its ultrahigh-frequency holographic basis, which can be interpreted as an increase in entropy in a given object, limiting its stay in a certain form in beingness.
In other words, the order in beingness, subject to certain laws, cannot be carried out unambiguously, being lost in moments here or there, creating one or another type of chaos, which can increase and decrease depending on the possibility of correcting the situation, which is carried out by living beings directly or with their help consciously or not.
In addition, the disorder is created by living beings themselves, who do not always transform their own environment into more ordered or complex forms, for example, by producing waste from their activities, especially since living beings themselves, in essence, feed on the products of the disintegration of their own luminary. Nevertheless, the gradual ordering of everything concerning the activity of the living, especially the activity of human communities, indicates a local decrease in entropy as a result of the activity of living beings, in contrast to the growth of entropy in the absence of this activity in isolated systems.
Thus, a fairly clearly outlined beingness with all its planets, galaxies and microcosm, functioning according to certain laws, does not do without disturbing the order, which, however, is not able of changing the rules of the “game” in general, but manifests itself at all levels in particular.
Science qualifies such a phenomenon as entropy [see., eg, 1], but the source of this phenomenon has not yet been found.
Therefore, scientists have not found anything better than to turn to randomness, which in this case has no relation to the matter, since it is a certain manifestation of as yet unknown patterns, and not a sign of chaos.
Nevertheless, these deviations from order have been called fluctuations and are presented as the law of non-decreasing entropy for closed (isolated) systems.
However, this law does not apply in the absence of isolation of systems in which, in addition to entropy, negaentropy also operates.
In particular, locally entropy decreases and increases quite clearly and significantly due to the functioning of living beings, arranging for themselves the most advantageous ordered environment, but creating waste in the process of this creation, which, in general, in addition to creation, undoubtedly entails the disturbance of the previous order.
Be that as it may, the development that is initiated by living beings differs precisely in that the new order becomes more complex, and the living beings themselves change in accordance with it towards acquiring greater degrees of freedom, thereby receiving more pleasant and varied sensations, and not just survival.
This is achieved most successfully by the human communities that, unlike other living beings, act knowingly, that is, quite purposefully, eliminating, in their opinion, disorder or the order that does not suit them, in such way as to receive, unlike what was before, greater benefit for themselves, as well as greater space to realize own interests and intentions. However, due to the lack of possibility of endless ordering of one’s own environment and oneself towards improvement, a person in his communities always reaches the so-called point of singularity, in which his biological nature is unable to adequately perceive and transform the ever-increasing flows of incoming information in own consciousness, into in particular, due to the limited capabilities of one’s own brain.
The result of this process of manifestation of negainformation is a series of erroneous decisions that chaotize his environment, that is, they radically increase entropy, as a result of which the system created by the human communities is destroyed, leaving the surviving people to begin their development anew, if the rest of the natural environment allows this.
Thus, the outbreak of entropy growth, manifested in the regular chaotization of the human communities in the form of civilization, carries a positive meaning, which is manifested in the fact that the development of the human communities does not go into wrong infinity, but proceeds strictly cyclically, allowing consciousness in the form of alive to be passing discretely civilizational stage of its own development, the most favorable for the same development and change.
As a significant and still controversial example of the manifestation of entropy in the course of the development of human communities, one can cite the problem of correlating good and evil, which is still a stumbling block for all humanities.
Any person, losing oneself in disorder, naturally cannot help but treat it as evil, meaning by evil precisely the impossibility of living the way he wants, and the local order he has created, in which he is at least comfortable and safe, he imagines as the good, meaning by it at least a tolerable existence.
That is, each person wants to eliminate harmful disorder or useless order for himself, striving for one benefit or another in the order he has updated, believing it to be good and disorder to be evil, thereby unwittingly reducing entropy locally.
At the same time, the local good of one person can harm another or others who perceive this situation as unfair for themselves, if this person is more comfortable than they are at their expense, or even thanks only to his individual efforts, causing envy and, therefore, ill will, accordingly increasing entropy locally.
In general, in such collisions a more perfect order wins, thereby ensuring the forward movement of communities within the framework of decreasing entropy, which indicates that it is during the struggle between “good” and “evil”, that is, conscious clashes on this basis, that the most accelerated development of the human communities.
Thus, good, evil and justice, which is accordingly determined by one of the parties in its favor, are indispensable factors leading to clashes and even struggle, thereby inevitably provoking the development of human communities especially accelerated within the framework of a civilization in which proprietary relations dominate, aggravating this struggle between “evil” and “good”, understood by each in their own way.
In fact, a change in entropy does not occur on its own, but is caused by the considerations and actions of living beings. In particular, it decreases with increasing order, which consists, for example, in the growth of well-being in one place for one person, and at the same time increases with a violation of order, which consists, for example, in robbing a neighbor in the event of a controversial situation, and does not change during stagnation. The same thing happens for the human communities, often ending in wars.
As a result of these factors, the maximum possible acceleration (compaction) of civilization's own time is created, and the main factor initiating this additional acceleration is a person's awareness of his actions in comparison with what happens in slow living nature, where goal-setting and creativity are absent, since instincts and reflexes dominate in it.
As a result of this, a person, unlike animals, who are aware of what is happening to them only at the level of sensations without creating certain target projects, regards that disorder, that is created for him by rivals or enemies as evil for himself, whereas the same thing, which is created them for opponents or even neighbors, he considers it good for himself, since such actions can bring him certain advantages, which he understands very well.
In other words, the change in entropy manifested as a consequence of these conscious actions creates such tension in communities that have reached the level of civilization, which contributes to the constant conscious struggle within them and between them, and therefore to the accelerated development of civilization as a whole.
Thus, the manifestation of a change in entropy depends on the aspirations and actions of living beings both locally and as a whole for beingness, which without them is nothing more than nothingness, and for a person this change, in particular, can be expressed in the orientation of his thoughts and feelings towards a certain object for himself, as a result of which is being created a certain tension associated with consumption of energy, which is spent irreversibly, which leads to an increase in entropy in this person, which he feels through a loss of strength, which is especially typical for the creative persons.
Be that as it may, such orientation of thoughts and feelings provokes a person to completely conscious actions, which can be recognized by himself and his associates as good, and by his opponents as evil.
In the end, it should be noted that there is no world evil, for example, irrational freedom with its source in the form of Nothingness, since there is only a process of development of consciousness in the resisting world (beingness), and one of these forces of resistance with its negative and the positive features noted above is entropy, which is reflected in the human communities and only in them in the form of good and evil, since people are aware of their actions, producing both conscious creation and destruction, thereby accelerating the process of developing their own self-consciousness.
Thus, the antagonism of our world is necessary for the development of consciousness, just as light and darkness are necessary, otherwise it would not be clear what light is and what darkness is. Consciousness must be plunged into struggle within the framework of emerging contradictions, sometimes becoming darkened, sometimes becoming clearer.
People do not understand this and therefore they represent one as evil and the other as good. In essence, this is a process of destruction and creation, fixed in the change of entropy, that flows through consciousness, enriching it.
The animal nature in a person knows neither good things nor bad, recognizing neither the good nor evil due to its instinctive nature. It simply participates in the struggle for existence, for survival, and when this principle in a person overpowers, then he can destroy competitors ruthlessly for the sake of himself, the continuation of his kind, for the sake of the existence of his community. This, by the way, happens massively every day in our democratic, or rather capitalist, society.
Such lower intentions, passions and actions are determined by the animal nature of man and cannot be attributed to arbitrariness and cannot be qualified as conscious, purposeful evil, initially inherent in his consciousness.
On the other hand, the conscious actions of a person, often leading him and his environment to successful or catastrophic results, have a basis in good, as it seems to him, intentions for a more progressive reorganization of the community.
These intentions at favorable points in the historical development of civilization could be completed quite successfully, for example, by uniting disparate small German states by Bismarck into a single powerful state - Germany. Whereas, the efforts of the Bolsheviks to make a world revolution for the benefit of all the peoples of the world led Russia to its current secondary position in the world.
In the first case, the local entropy was significantly reduced as a result of Bismarck's timely actions, based on the real state of affairs and sufficient enlightenment of the German people as a whole, which did not interfere with the improvement of order in their place of residence.
In the second case, the utopian thoughts of the Bolsheviks could not but end in collapse, which to a large extent affected Russia, locally having increased the level of entropy in it due to its significant territorial reduction and uncertainty, which owns the population and the power elite by now.
Indeed, in the extreme version, the power subject may wish to forcibly benefit the whole world, in order to bring him, as it were, real happiness and prosperity, which is characteristic of many revolutionaries. They are ready for this, as Mao-Jie-Dong once put it, to destroy most of the world's population.
But it is not only the revolutionaries and radicals bear so fatal for the peoples plans, which they themselves seem to be a blessing. Such ideas are visited by the minds of a significant part of supranational power elites, guided, however, not by bringing good for the peoples, but by maintaining good for themselves by a radical reduction in the world's population by any means available, thereby improving the environmental situation, as well as solving the problem of employment of the population in connection with the introduction of the artificial intelligence practically everywhere.
Similar ideas resemble Raskolnikov's considerations noted by F. M. Dostoevsky: his hero contrasts himself with everything else, as he believes, imperfect, interfering, unnecessary, in quality a more perfect person who only and is worthy to live and create. There is no evil intention here either, but there is a delusion.
Infliction of harm by one person to other people is considered the most widespread evil in the world, whereas it or, as it was stated above, is fight for existence, or result of the inconsistent relations between them being expressed in arising resentments, jealousy, vindictiveness, mistrust, as well as it can be result of errors of the behavior layering on each other. That is evil and good aren't laid in a basis of the world, in the basis of the person, don't come from a chasm or from God, and they are only the representations of people stemming from their own relations, their nature and backwardness of consciousness. Actually, all this is result of aspirations of the person in the antagonistic world as it seems to him, to the best or for him, or even for many, or even for all.
Even for a narrow mind of the person that is represented to him by good and evil, during life is interchanged the position. It, for example, happened to Raskolnikov, which was perfectly reflected by F. M. Dostoevsky. The whole world is the evil for misanthropes. Capitalism – the evil for revolutionaries. Capitalism - the highest form of existence of society, the kindest from all types of good for the bourgeoisie.
This process of creation and destruction is to a certain extent controlled by a single consciousness of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity, but its basis, in part, is a change in entropy, which in turn is based on failures or superimposition of ultra-high frequency oscillations on each other in a holographic projection of a timeless infinity, moreover, these oscillations are finally converted into objects of neingness through living beings. However, a single consciousness of a holographic projection uses this negative factor in positive way in beingness, provoking them their own development in living beings, at the peak of which is a person.
If before the advent of a person, the entire organic world was being built simply on devouring each other, which helped him, at least from time to time, to maintain the level of entropy at the previous level, and as it changed towards complexity, the level of entropy was being reduced gradually, then the emergence of a person, in whom the animal consciousness was supplemented by self-consciousness, greatly ennobled the human communities, which eventually abandoned cannibalism and reached a significant level of technological and cultural development, that, of course, is the progress brought precisely by self- consciousness, because before its appearance, awareness of reality by living beings could only be at the level of sensations.
However, it would be possible to object to all this by that as if by nothing motivated malice is often manifested in people. Actually, we have here a few relations.
The first consists in that, a person in life can "be driven into a corner" like a rat with threat of his life, life of close people or something the most expensive to him, and a exit from this situation isn't present.
Here he as though loses reason and its aggression has purely animal nature of protection in attempt of exit out of losing situation. Reflexes and instincts come into effect. And about the evil as such, it isn't necessary to speak as far as the person here turns into defending oneself animal and often looks as a spiteful animal. Nevertheless, some scientists call this state by manifestation of the universal evil which actually, wasn't, no, and won't be.
The second relation consists in conscious aspiration of a person to destroy everything around in process of forces and opportunities. Similar happens in strong anger or irritation and it passes with the restoration of normal condition. So here not the evil is expressed, and here is splashed out the discontent of the person with that he isn't capable to make in any way that he wants, owing to own inability or owing to that circumstances interfere with it categorically.
However, this temporary state of anger to the world can pass in constant if the person decided that the world gives nothing to him but only selects that he has no place and there is no need to go. It is manifested in the case the low level of self-consciousness, when it may be unable to withstand pressure of environment as well as own representations and imagination.
A high level of self-consciousness in this case calls for a struggle, even if it is useless and meaningless, leading to death, but a struggle. This is a manifestation of an extreme degree of dissatisfaction of self-consciousness.
And the weak-souled begin to recoup on the weaker ones, acquitting themselves by saying that those are worse, but live, and they disappear for nothing. Such behavior has nothing to do with universal evil, since a simple change of circumstances in favor of the weak-souled person makes out of an evil misanthrope, who harms everyone, a good-natured being, who can even share with you by the benefits, however, only for others to appreciate this.
In addition, the breakdown of a person's psyche is sometimes considered evil, which can happen for various reasons, but is not immediately understood by his environment, which, for example, happened in Ancient Rome with Caligula - Emperor Rome. In this case, it is pointless to talk about evil towards a sick person.
Summarizing, it is possible to note that it is much easier instead of search of the true reasons of the human acts which consist, as a rule, in the human relations, to make reference allegedly on inherent in the person of initially malignancy. A person simply isn't able to become ideally reasonable, to overcome feelings of envy, hatred, egoism, to which also weakness of consciousness and aspiration following from it to simple decisions is added, that, as a rule, leads to such unexpected results, that seems, impossible to call them anything but an act of malicious will.
Self-consciousness makes a person from a animal, but it also gets mixed up in life in life with animal passions that, on the one hand, causes ideas about spiteful nature of the person, but, on the other hand, - about his kindness and a rationality. As result, the myth about good and evil, about initial innocence and about lapse from virtue is emerged.
Therefore, we have to admit that our antagonistic world exists as a testing ground for the process of development of consciousness through a whole series of lives, a whole series of civilizations on an information basis, which cannot be ideal, that manifests in such phenomenon as entropy.


1. Деменюк С. П. Просто энтропия. Цикл изданий «Фракталы и хаос.» - СПб. «Страта». 2019.
2. Nizovtsev Yu. M. On the enduring coexistence of consciousness and inanimate matter: 20.12.2023. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.lib.ru. Yury Nizovtsev.
3. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Everything and Nothingness: 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.


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