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28 апреля ’2024   05:11
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Кавер-версия русской песни "Супербой" поёт Джимми.

Verse 1:

I was crazy fan of all the football games
Till I met, pretty girl.
After our meeting we arrange the date,
On the day of the Super Bowl!
I am waiting all the year for this match
Will I miss (it), how come?
Let me change my life, for just a single day.
For my lovely girl to come!

No people, no traffic, empty streets,
And it seems like world is your
Leaving on recording our favorite game
We have found what we're looking for!

Super Bowl Super Bowl - all the town is free
Super Bowl super bowl, everybody, agree!
There is no better day, there is no better way to see the city!

Super bowl superbowl, no traffic on streets,
Superbowl superbowl, and I love to do it
No matter, who loose, no matter who win,
The life is pretty!

Verse 2:

Treating like a habit all computer games
I’m immersed in your love
Blessing all routes on a day you came
Like a gift from above.

Missing for a year, for that winter days
When I met a lovely girl.
I will no longer be a heavy fan
On the day of Superbowl!

With my pretty through the city empty streets
I can walk all day and night.
Leaving all the nitty-gritty chores and games
I’m in love, and this is right!


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