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Просмотр работы:
08 февраля ’2021   11:52
Просмотров: 6288


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Clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRJAm0WAOgs&list=PL-KcWb1fkNFOYAs9mLq7J46lipqK0c7dH&index=3

Hello, my dear that's the time
for you it's time to pay
for what you did on the way
ruining the life of many you
do not repent of your sins
you will pay in return
just as you did, Oh Yes the time has come

The fine you received in the face
the God you deny will help you pay
And again and again you will pay the Fine
you will pay the fine

Without remorse there is no Paradise
break off anarmanvist
for you only punishment, nothing more
You deserve to die
and rot in the darkness of their own
to hell you would be sent
how many times you were given a chance at redemption
inside you apart for what you've done
garbage is worthy of you but not of gold
revenge will want you but will not leave you
Look at you like a monkey
It's not time for you to get better

The time you received in the face
the God you deny will help you pay
And again and again you will pay the Fine
you will pay the fine

Run quickly and pray as I go
but still you will have to pay the fine
For lies, for death, for chaos, for suffering
You just have to pay.
Come on, attack, there's nothing for you to do, because you're a fool

The fine you received in the face
the God you deny will help you pay
And again and again you will pay the Fine
you will pay the fine


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