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1. My ironic passages about time.

Литература / Сатира и юмор / 1. My ironic passages about time.
Просмотр работы:
16 апреля ’2023   00:00
Просмотров: 2185

What awaits us in the near future?
You should not be upset in advance.
When does it make sense to get married?
Before death, so as not to have time to be disappointed in this enterprise.
Is it worth peeking into the future?
If only out of stupidity.
In the opinion each dying person, his life does not end at the time that he would need.
The future rests against the disgusting present time after time.
The future can be bought the only having paid in advance the place at the cemetery.
Personalities are rarely coming across, unlike from the rest, who are coming across all time.


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